I 90 percent agree with you. However, the excessive amount of time in the chokehold may be an issue. I took a class on the how to use the chokehold effectively and safely in the 90s. I also worked in law enforcement and studied law. There's a point in between when Neely started to go limp and when the chokehold came to an end. That's the area that opens up a person to criminal proceedings and liability.
Oh, and when you're talking about self-defense, there's nothing clear and simple about it when some one dies. No matter what Neely did, he was a human being who was killed by another. That is, as it should be, one of the most complicated matters that our society has had to ever face. Thus, I'll let the system do its job. As a citizen, we have every right to voice questions or opinions. We aren't sitting on the bench judging anyone.