I am also a chew addict. I wouldn't recommend taking it other than when you'd sleep. If you're planning on sleeping at night, say 11:00 P.M. as a rule of thumb, take it by 9:30 to 10:00. Try it for two weeks. If it doesn't help your sleep then you might need to look into what's causing your sleeping issues. I've suffered ptsd, severe head trauma issues, and tinitus from noise trauma to my ears. I can't sleep without some sort of noise in my bedroom. Turn on a tv or some streaming device and in an hour or so I can fall asleep.
Whether you go the melatonin way or not, it's probably worth doing some introspection to figure out why you're not sleeping. Hopefully the answer is something simple to figure out. Sleep issues will drive you nuts. I went five days straigt (no where near a record) and it broke me.