I've been in uniform. Was there for most of my life. Have faced the use of force scenarios that people judge today. The one thing that needs to be said, and I'm sorry if this offends, but people need to cooperate. If people (citizens) would remain cooperative and do as they're instructed to do, not fight being arrested when they're being arrested, a majority of these incidents would never happen. Adrenaline is a ruthlessly out of control hormonal response to danger. It also clouds judgement in human beings.
In the late 90s my department was involved in a shooting. I learned then, that adrenaline can cause tunnel vision and mistakes in the best of officers. Our firearms trainer opened fire in a way that went against his own instruction during range training. We all got to see the scenario and where he was aiming. The use of the firearm is to end the threat of deadly force being used by suspects. In this case, the suspect didn't get the worst of the injuries, a cop did.
If people would stop fighting against the cops and handle things in a court room, fight the legal fight, then the mistakes and lapses in judgement wouldn't be as prevalent. Then, and only then, will we ever get a clear picture of how many of these tragic events are preventable and how many are intentional acts of hateful racist men that shouldn't have been in uniform. That's my opinion after 25 years in uniform and seeing both bad cops act out and bad people act out.