I've seen this argument and wonder where this occurs at. I worked in a "male" dominated field. Women coming in were paid the same as the men. Sure, that's my experience, but I've looked at other fields and found the argument to be faulty.
One in particular is Hollywood. We've heard that one a million times. However, when certain actresses compared themselves to RDJ and what he was getting for Iron Man, they neglected to acknowledge his first appearance was far lower and actually compares to how Gal Gadot's salary increased in Wonder Woman appearances. That's of course before James Gunn came along and scrapped the role.
I know both female and male doctors. Again, the salaries are the same. I have known lawyers and the salaries are the same.
It makes me wonder, what jobs in specific are these gender pay gaps actually found based on the entry level, instead of other metrics like experience, time on the job, etc.